The XVIth World Economic
History Congress
EXTENSION | CALL FOR POSTERS DEADLINE | 15 MARCH 2012 The Call for Posters deadline has been extended to 15 March! WEHC 2012 will include a poster session for PhD students and junior postdoc researchers. Posters combine text and graphics in order to communicate information and ideas, and the informal and interactive setting of the poster session makes it easy to engage people in conversation and invite feedback. The poster session offers junior researchers a great opportunity to present on-going research to an international audience. For instructions on how to submit a poster abstract, click here. For advice on how to make a poster, click here. BOOK EXHIBITION The WEHC Book Exhibition will run parallel to the congress from its second day (10-13 July) and is a great opportunity to place your books, journals and other published resources in the focus of between 1000 – 1400 delegates from all over the globe. Located in the refreshment and networking area of the congress, the exhibition will offer anticipated exhibitors regular traffic and exposure. There are two options – an individual stand or a communal table holding material for multiple publishers. With logistical support available from the WEHC 2012 Congress Secretariat, participation in the exhibition is easy and will place your product directly in front of your target market.For more information click here and for the WEHC 2012 Exhibition Reservation Form and Terms and Conditions clicked here. PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME As announced in the previous newsletter, Minister Pravin Gorhdan, Minister of Finance, South African National Treasury, has confirmed that he will be attending the congress and will present the official welcome address. Further, the WEHC 2012 Programme Committee is honoured to announce that Professor James Robinson (David Florence Professor of Government, Harvard University Boston) , Professor Gareth Austin (Head, International History Department, The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva) and Professor Deidre McCloskey (Distinguished Professor of Economics and History, University of Illinois, Chicago | Professor of Economic History, Gothenburg University, Sweden) have all also confirmed their involvement in the programme. Click here to view the WEHC 2012 preliminary programme.Every effort has been made to avoid duplications; unfortunately this has not always been possible and some presenters will have to make the necessary arrangements to manage their time and presentation. No further re-arrangement of sessions can be accommodated at this stage.To see the sessions accepted in the Call for Sessions, please click here. PRE AND POST TOURSConferencing in Stellenbosch affords WEHC 2012 delegates a wonderful opportunity to extend their stay and discover just why Stellenbosch, Cape Town and South Africa are some of the most popular tourist destinations worldwide.A range of tours will be available for pre-booking and the appointed tour operator, Africa Bespoke, can create personalised itineraries on request. A tourism desk will be available at the congress for more information and for booking, but we do recommend pre-booking before the congress.Click here for more information. DAY TOURS A full partners programme, showcasing the splendour and vibrancy of Stellenbosch and Cape Town, is available for the enjoyment of those travelling with the congress delegates or for delegates who have a free moment during the congress week.See the tours on offer here and how to book. ACCOMMODATION
Book your accommodation at one of the official congress accommodation options when completing the online registration form or choose to book directly with one of the recommended alternative accommodation options. Demand for congress accommodation is high and rooms are filling up fast, so we advise that you register and book accommodation right away! The WEHC 2012 Congress Secretariat can only guarantee availability at the congress hotels, at the guaranteed rates, until 8 May 2012. Please see the WEHC 2012 Official Congress Accommodation Terms and Conditions here. Click here to see the official congress accommodation options. Click here to see the self-booking options. Click here to see an interactive map showing the proximity of accommodation to the congress venue at Kruiskerk. IMPORTANT: Please note that no transport will be provided between accommodation and congress venue (and airport), and delegates will need to make independent arrangements. TRANSPORT All delegates are responsible for making their own transport arrangements (including airport transfers), and the cost will be for their own account. Please click here for information on transfer providers. Alternatively, arrangements can be made directly at your place of accommodation, but this may be more expensive. It is strongly recommended that delegates pre-arrange their airport transfers prior to their arrival in Cape Town to guarantee availability. FREE WI-FI FOR STELLENBOSCH Stellenbosch is set to become the first town in Africa to have free Wi-Fi! The service which will be free of charge to anyone, with no registration required, has already began a trail in the town centre and will roll out to all populated areas in Stellenbosch over the next 6 months. The service will be limited to 1Mpbs and a 500MB daily cap – which will be more than enough to check your emails and interact with the WEHC 2012 community online via twitter and Facebook. |
WEHC 2012 Congress Secretariat
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Call for Posters deadline 15 March 2012 Applications for Bursaries close 16 April 2012 Early Registration Discount Expires 28 April 2012
(For Session Organisers) Final Session Details Due 30 April 2012